
Safeguard Motors © collects very little information from the viewers of this site. Absolutely no personal information is collected from our visitors. The website statistics offered by the hosting company records server requests. It stores the IP address and possible the date of visit. It is similar to every other server on the Web.Safeguard Motors © does not sell / give user information to any 3rd party individuals or companies.

The Advertising banners and pop-up windows that are posted on this site are delivered to you by our 3rd party advertising companies. They place a small a small cookie on your machine in order to prevent same ads being shown each time you visit. In addition to this, these 3rd party advertising companies also keep track of your visit to this site and others, so that they can show the ads that are most relevant to you. But, no personal information (address, name, etc.) is recorded. This is the case for any site having advertising banners, etc.

Thank you for your cooperation.